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Sanctuary guests are welcome to use the swimming pool at Sirocco House, beneath gigantic fig trees in the garden of this impressive Art Deco home. The best time for swimming is mid to late morning when the colobus monkeys take an afternoon nap, lying down on the fig's wide branches. Zebra will often come to drink at a spill close by as giraffes browse the trees, with the monkeys keep a sleepy eye on the curious antics of creatures below. At 14m length, the pool is long enough for swimmers to engage in an energised workout, or simply to relish the warm sunlit-dappled water.




The sizeable vegetable garden and orchard close to Olerai House are worth a visit.

We grow all sorts of tasty fruits and vegetables, like artichokes, fennel, courgettes, tomatoes, salads, onions, beetroot, cabbages and strawberries, plus wildberries, mulberries, tamarillas or passion fruit, and our citrus trees enchant the air with the scent of their blossoms. The secret to our success, quite simply, is lots of old-fashioned homemade compost harnessing the organic power of copious amounts of hippo and horse dung, chicken droppings, fallen leaves and green manure. We're proud that our food is 100% chemical free, and you're more than welcome to visit the garden. Come crush some fresh herbs, pick oranges for marmalade, crunch on a carrot fresh from the ground, or get to know our free-roaming ducks and red hens.


Children especially enjoy an hour or two pottering around The Shamba, planting seedlings, helping to pick vegetables for supper, collecting eggs  or communing with the chickens. You can also pop into our workshop where our craftsmen turn fallen branches and trees into furniture, fenceposts or sustainable charcoal. We love living off the land in an eco-conscious and sustainable manner that cherishes all around us.



Our greatest pleasure in the Sanctuary is walking among wild creatures. Soaking up the symphonies of nature, strolling through woodland, or simply admiring the flight of birds - all within a few metres of zebra, giraffe, impala or waterbuck grazing nearby - is an unforgettable experience. The slower pace is a deliberate change from the norm, as too often Africa’s wild places are seen only from the confines of  a vehicle. But here you can experience the landscape the way our ancestors did, on foot and at ground level, in the company of a charming local guide.  Our walks in the Sanctuary are designed to accommodate all levels of fitness.  For those keen on something more strenuous, a run along the airstrip really helps to blow out the cobwebs. There are also several delightful hikes up the hill behind the Sanctuary that offer superb views across the lake or towards Eburru forest (which is also worth exploring).

Dudu Douglas-Hamilton watching giraffes at the nature walk at OH copy 2.jpg


A half hour drive from Olerai is a small lake, Oloidien, that buds off Lake Naivasha, and is a favourite stopover for migrating flamingo.  One can take a boat out into the middle of this fresh water lagoon, early in the morning with a local fishermen-guide.  Families of hippos harrumph over territory and you can delight in the sheer variety of wading, swimming, diving or lily-trotting water birds. Expeditions out on to the main lake are possible too, but here the water can get rougher when the wind picks up.  Lifejackets are provided by the boat crew, but please remember to bring water bottles, sunblock, hats, bird books, binoculars, and a sumptuous picnic breakfast. 




A short walk across the Sanctuary brings you to Sirocco's Stables to meet the horses.  These are Mukutan, a large and friendly black Friesian gelding; Merida, a chestnut thoroughbred mare that's a bit of an introvert; Lilla, a small black rescue pony with a white flash who can be a bit grumpy; Whisky, an irrepressibly positive Palomino gelding; and Tequila, an adorable bay thoroughbred mare. The horses are fed and groomed twice daily at 7am and 5pm.  Children are welcome to pet or feed them under parental supervision, and budding equestrians can help with their care.  Gentle hacks around the Sanctuary are available for guests with riding experience but great care must always be taken near the wild life. Buffalo must not be approached at any time. Hacks are walking speed only, so please refrain from trotting, cantering or galloping. Our small pony, Lilla, can be ridden by children weighing less than 55 kgs.  Appropriate body armour, boots and helmets must be worn at all times, and riders be accompanied by the Syce.  Indemnity forms should be signed in advance of riding, and payment made via Mpesa directly to the owner.




A series of dramatic dormant volcanoes grace the floor of the Great Rift Valley, offering strenuous but exhilarating day-long expeditions. Our favourite to explore is Mt Longonot, which got its name from the Maasai word Oloonong’ot that means “mountain with many ridges”. It's a steep hike up to the crater lip, and then a long but rewarding scramble around its circumference with breathtaking views across an unfolding landscape. We recommend a pre-dawn start from Sirocco so that you can complete the hike before the heat of the afternoon. It's a full day mission so you'll need plenty of water, nibbles, sunblock, comfortable sneakers and a decent sunhat.




Hell’s Gate National Park, on the south side of Lake Naivasha, is famous for its dramatic ravine, natural hot springs and geysers, most of which have now been transformed into a geothermal energy plant that provides much of Kenya's green electricity. However, the park itself is still impressive to visit, with eagles and vultures breeding on the steep cliffs, and towers of volcanic basalt that challenge rock-climbers of all levels. Hell’s Gate is also one of very few parks where bicycling and walking are allowed, and guided expeditions into the narrow gorge at the Park’s centre can be arranged in advance. However, this must never be done during the rains as flash floods can occur. Wildlife roaming the area includes the endangered Coke’s hartebeest, eland and leopard. Combining cycling in Hell's Gate with an early morning boat ride at Oloiden lake promises an action filled day. Be sure to take a decent picnic, sunblock, hats, binoculars, lots of water and a sense of adventure. 




Eburru Forest is a prime indigenous forest that overlooks Lake Naivasha to the south, Lake Elementaita to the North, and Lake Nakuru to the North West. Just a forty minute drive from Sirocco Wildlife Sanctuary, the forest is nestled within the folds of a geologically active volcanic mountain, whose highest peak, Ol Doinyo Eburu, stands 2,820 meters above sea level.  Thanks to the sterling efforts of Naivasha conservationists, this beautiful forest is now open for exploration. Experiencing the vivid fields of fungi, drinking from hanging vines imbued with potable water, and smelling the soft scent of organic matter underfoot fills one with a sense of peace. The resident guides are excellent naturalists, deeply passionate about the forest. 


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